Stephen Lande, President of Manchester Trade Ltd. is scheduled to speak at the following event, heading discussions on the implications of AGOA on the US - Africa Partnership. Click here to RSVP.
The International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council & the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa
A Congressional Briefing on
African Agri-Food Exports to the U.S.:
Facing Challenges of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Standards and Tariff-Rate Quotas
U.S. Capitol Visitors Center
(Room to be Confirmed)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
10:00am – 12:00noon
The African Growth and Opportunity Act has strengthened U.S.-Africa trade ties, but the $1.2.-1.4 billion in food and agricultural goods the U.S. purchases from Africa each year are only a small fraction of the total value of U.S. imports from the continent. Please join the International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council and the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa for the release and discussion of two policy briefs, which analyze and seek to improve upon the disappointing performance of African food and agricultural exports to the U.S.
Charlotte Hebebrand, Chief Executive, IPC
James Kiiru, Commercial Attache, Embassy of Kenya, and Chair, African Diplomatic AGOA Technical Committee
Introductory Remarks:
Daniel Karanja, Sr. Fellow, Partnership to Cut Hunger & Poverty in Africa
Panel Discussion:
Horticultural Exports from AGOA Countries to the U.S.: Challenges & Considerations - Richard Pasco, Attorney, McLeod, Watkinson & Miller
US Tariff Rate Quotas and AGOA Market Access - David Skully, Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Implications for Farmers & Rural Women - Lawrencia Adams-Simpson, Team Leader, Ghana Research and Advocacy Program and First Ray Almeida Fellow
Moving Forward and Implications for the U.S. and Africa - Steve Lande, President, Manchester Trade LTD
For more information, please visit the event website.
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