World Cup 2010

With the World Cup just around the corner, an anxious and excited South Africa prepares for one of the world’s biggest sporting events. To prepare for this world class event, South Africa has undergone drastic infrastructure changes, most notably, public transportation upgrades. South Africa has spent more than $2 billion to improve the current transportation system as it prepares for the millions of fans that will flood the country. Other South African upgrades include airports, ticket counters, and food outlets which have all created jobs within South Africa. The South African government is committed to provide adequate transportation for the fans during the world cup, but even more committed to make the necessary upgrades to the countries infrastructure for its citizens in the future. Through these changes South Africa hopes to increase tourism from 10 million a year to 15 million a year over the next five years.

This World Cup is a very significant world cup because this is the first World Cup that will be held in an African country. This World Cup will stimulate South Africa’s economy with the millions of fans and tourists that travel, shop, and explore the country. The essential infrastructure upgrades that have been made to South Africa demonstrate the benefits that infrastructure changes can have on other developing countries. This World Cup has revealed South Africa as the tip of an iceberg. On June 11th the world’s eyes will be looking at not only South Africa as a country but Africa as a continent.

Photo: Thanks to NY Daily News